Editor’s Note

In an era where Artificial Intelligence-based technology is advancing at a rapid pace, technological advances are dramatically changing the way we live. This on the one hand enhances social good yet breeds social fear on the other. This kind of fear stems from two profound philosophical propositions: first, will human evil be amplified by technology, as in the case of the atomic bomb; and second, will the relationship between technology and man change, will mankind fall into a desperate situation where they will be dominated by technology of their own invention?


Social innovation is an antidote to both problems.


Technological development itself does not directly involve good or evil, but human behavior does the opposite. How to channel technology for good through innovative human behavior is a pressing proposition in today's world.


SSIR China has never been a book suitable for reading on a couch in a secluded study - but suitable for browsing in flexible spaces like cafes, subways, airports, piers, and so on, in between moments of human action. It always points to a constant value care, clear goals for action, opinions based on empirical facts, a professional strategic plan, and a desire to share all this knowledge that drives every social innovator's constant efforts to perfect themselves and the society or community they belong to, and to steer that change in the direction of the good always in the context of dramatic change.

Technology for good, technology for social innovation 1
China’s New Model of Blockchain-Driven Philanthropy 3
Blockchain has done more than simply enable Chinese social entrepreneurs to improve the transparency, trust- worthiness, and fundraising of the country’s charitable causes. It has helped launch a more decentralized and autonomous philanthropic sector.
Artificial Intelligence as a Force for Good 20
The latest breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence brings good news for nonprofit organizations.
A Click-to-Print Solution to Housing 27
New Story’s 3-D printing software builds houses cheaply and efficiently, demonstrating how technology can leapfrog traditional limitations in local economies and infrastructure.
Streamlining Emergency Access 33
Safe Shelter Collaborative dramatically reduces the time that survivors of domestic violence and sex trafficking must wait to secure safe accommodation.
Shui Di Chou: Social value in business is challenging yet worthy 39
Paying It Forward in International Development 47
Social interventions often fail because interested parties take a transactional approach to evidence. Development practitioners must instead build a culture of learning, negotiation, and collaboration, so that the generation and use of evidence are fully integrated into the program.
Cocreating with the Base of the Pyramid 68
Companies seeking to do business in low-income markets often make the mistake of transferring assets from higher- income markets to fill perceived gaps. They should in- stead look to partner with those who live in these markets and to identify the assets already available there.
A Trauma Lens for Systems Change 91
Although growing science on the effects of trauma sheds new light on how to address intractable social issues, systemic change can be difficult. The Missouri Model lays out a framework, based on the science of trauma, that organizations can use to shift culture and policies and improve outcomes.
“7 Directions of Value”, a model for post-growth value creation 110
Queer Activism Goes Online 131
When Aid Fails 134
Fail-Safe Keeping of Personal Records 134
A Moonshot to Restore Arctic Ice 135
Creating New Pathways to Capital 136
Pay for Success Faces a Funding Gap 138
PFS has ushered in a new era of government buying of services, but PFS supporters are paying for the spillover costs of this success, making it difficult for PFS to grow at scale without impact investment and philanthropic capital involvement.
The Roots of Workplace Gender Inequality 144
Coming Together Amid Difference 145
Pay, Productivity, and Depression 146
Not Just Copycats 182
A new book on Chinese entrepreneurs presents a comprehensive picture of China's innovation development, breaking the world's stereotype of Chinese innovation.
Author Intro

SSIR is written by and for social change leaders from around the world and from all sectors of society—nonprofits, foundations, business, government, and engaged citizens. SSIR’s mission is to advance, educate, and inspire the field of social innovation by seeking out, cultivating, and disseminating the best in research- and practice-based knowledge. SSIR is published by the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (PACS) at Stanford University.

Leping Social Entrepreneur Foundation is the publisher of SSIR china. Leping Social Entrepreneur Foundation is dedicated to engendering an inclusive society. Leping provide an ecosystem to solve social problems for those who care about social development with empathy and passion. leping is the catalyst and market builder for social innovation

As a catalyst and architect for the social innovation ecosystem in China, the Leping Social Entrepreneur Foundation accelerates the rapid development of innovative social enterprises through impact-driven investments to facilitate their potential for large-scale social impact. Through a collection of knowledge-based products, Leping develops the social innovation talent pool and idea marketplace. By fostering an ecosystem for a diverse community of social entrepreneurs, Leping promotes achievable, scalable growth for social enterprises.

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